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Journey to Insurance Nirvana

Dec 20, 2018

In this episode we get into...

  • Why insurers must not be afraid of embracing the gig economy.
  • How to manage a team of developers when you know diddly squat about tech...and,
  • Spending more time with your Mom!



Dec 18, 2018

Today Brad Robinson, our water damage restoration and mitigation analytics specialist, joins us for a sizzling conversation about the ins and outs of the water restoration process.



Dec 11, 2018

In this Episode we talk about:

  • What happiness looks like for big insurance.
  • Why does it take so long to process claims... and
  • Why we're bringing Hollywood to the insurance industry!



Dec 6, 2018

In this episode:

  • We breakdown our process to leverage human capital for the benefit of the Carrier, the policyholder, and the adjuster.
  • We address the total devastation caused by the California wildfires and what its impact on the industry.
  • And... Why turning all your ULAE into ALAE is totally possible when using the...

Dec 4, 2018

In this episode we get into:

  • The barriers to digital transformation insurance carriers are currently facing.
  • The importance of integrating your workflow solution onto your CRM - Big Topic!
  • And... Why claims and drinking out of a firehose are so similar!


Enjoy :-)